Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Spring Time at Getz Apiary

It's definitely spring time here at the apiary!  We have new bees (three colonies in total) and we also added two ducks to our feathered family.

Christian worked hard on building a safe enclosure for our new ducks, Molly and McGuire.  They appreciate the 8 foot deck and the 44' pool.  We have a rouen duck that is darker in color similar to a mallard and a pekin duck.  I think they are both female...

Back to the bees...
We picked up one colony from Eden Apiary.  Burl Knupp is the President of Westmoreland County Beekeepers Assoc., a Master Beekeeper, and Owner of Eden Apiaries.  He is extremely knowledgeable when it comes to bees.

Speaking of knowledgeable... We picked up two more colonies from Bill Kopar of Kopar Farms.  He "provides pollination services to farmers in the area while at the same time building up the health and numbers of his bees to sell them.  Kopar Honey Farm creates many value-added products like honey and beeswax from which are made things such as lip balm, lotion, or candles.   Along with selling products and bees, Bill gives many lectures to a variety of audiences, from university classes to garden clubs, relaying information relevant to the skill and knowledge of the people he speaks to."*

Here you can see how hard at work they are:

We noted a log of drone brood.  So we've been taking these and scraping it off.  Yes, we kill drone when doing it (the chickens love to clean it up).  However, the purpose cuts back on varroa mite introduction since it is the drone they like to attack the most.

And spring just isn't complete without a waggle dance from one of the ladies.  Do you remember what purpose it serves and can you find it in the video?

Lastly, check out the addition to my truck:

As always, stay up on our latest photos and videos by going to https://www.facebook.com/GetzApiary/.

* quote from https://beavervalleybees.net/index.php/beekeeping-supplies/