Saturday, March 6, 2021

Advanced Beekeeping Class

I can just buy bees and a hive, right?  Stick it in the backyard, put some flowers in...  No - bees are complex and you need to understand them.  Attending classes, even when you think you are doing good, is worth the time and money!

Today in my class, it was like an ah-ha.  We took the class with our bee-mentor, Joe at Country Barn Farm.

Spring Management

When do you put another super on?  Today I learned that you should over-super in Spring and under-super in Fall.  So on my list of spring management for April will be to give our surviving hive(s) honey supers to work with.  Maybe this will keep them focused on working on drawing out comb and not swarmy (not a technical term!) this year.

Did you catch the "for April"...?  You need to know when you are getting spring flowers.  Be ready for that.  So if April is your flower time, then get it on for end of March.

We can take a honey super that doesn't have drawn out comb and stick it on.  Let them work it for a week, check it.  Are they building it out well?  Great, then add another but between brood box and the super from last week.  Gives them plenty to do.  Skip the queen excluder at this point.  Wait for them to be working it really well before adding the queen excluder.

What an ah-ha.  But that happens with bees.  They are so fascinating and there's so much to learn!  I'll be sure to share the photos when we do this.

Let's see if this plan helps us with our remaining hive(s) and keeps us from a swarm during swarm season!

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